Sunday, April 23, 2006

My New Inspiration

I have a new bit of inspiration, so be forewarned, this may get a little long and boring. About a week ago I picked up the newest issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine, which I always like because my favorite scrapbooker, Elsie Flannigan, always has stuff in there, Well, I was heartbroken when I looked though there and found nothing by Elsie, but ecstatic to read that in the next issue she would be doing a piece on scrapbooking your wedding pictures...which I had planned to start on next weekend at the crop I'm going to, but after I read that I decided to wait until next month. So anyway, my Sweetie, in his attempts to console me in my withdrawl of Elsie stuff to look at, suggested to me that she might maybe have a website and looked her up for me only to find that she had a blog! So, I've been keeping up on her blog...and I even started my own, but anyway...the story goes, she mentioned this place, in her blog, 2peas...which happens to be greatest source of scrapbooking inspiration EVER!!!! So much so that it has in some way...only made my CPA..that is my Creative Publications Addiction...that need to buy new scrapbooking magazines all the time....worse. WORSE! Sigh. heh, anyway...I have such bunny trails tonight! Wow...where was I...oh yes,'s way fun, you can put your scrapbook pages on there and look at lots of other people's pages, so I was looking at new pages today, and there was one titled "Enough is Enough." It was a page of a whole bunch of text (as I saw the thumbnail) and so I read it, cause I always like reading people's journaling on their pages, probably cause i'm drives me nuts in the magazines when the pictures of people's pages are too small to read the journaling on. Anyway, it was a scrapbook started by a lady that was going to try to loose some weight that she gained after having her sons...and so I left her some comments about how I think that making a weight loss album I think would be a great source of motivation for me, and she emailed me and told me that there is a whole group of ladies doing this and that they have a new challenge every two weeks and stuff like I think I'm going to do that.

I found some pictures the other night of me one morning working out at the TKD school with Arlen and Trevor, and I was A LOT thinner, so I'd really like to look into finding a place around here where I might be able to take some tae kwon do classes to help me get in shape, and I can use those pictures in my album, and I took some pictures tonight of me being fat, and I can put those in there, I think it will be fun!!


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