Alex is coming, Alex is coming!

Today has been a good one, I feel like I've gotten things done, at least. I got up at 8, and finished my fabulous friends page, got ready to leave the house, went to Kenosha to the Social Security office to apply for a card with my new name on it, and then to Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby had half off rub-ons, and cardstock, and I had a coupon for half off I spent a lot of money and went home. Then I ate some lunch with my Sweetie and we went to Gateway to check if his website was working in ie yet, and when we were leaving I got a call from work and they want me to come in tomorrow morning for a while, so that will be good to make a little money to make up for what I spent at the hoblob!! Heh, then Jenny called and said that they just had their appointment and that she's being induced tomorrow morning at 5:30, yay!! I'm going to have another nephew tomorrow! Then I did my once upon a time page, and now I am writing my blog as to not put any more than two pages on here for today...maybe I'll do one for Alex's arrival tomorrow!! That would be way fun, I can't wait to meet him! Anyway, I should get back to scrapping!
Have a great day!!
Love, Joy.
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