My Graduate!

Jason finally had his graduation last night, so that was fun! It's all officially over now! (school that is!) For now at least.
In other news, I got my name changed on my bank account and got Jason added yesterday, and got my new plates for my car, I'm officially a Wisconsinite! Today I called all of my credit cards to change my name, and got my car insurance switched over, yay! Jason's car insurance rate for six months went from $540 to $307, just for being married!! Being married is good, we had a good day and got all sorts of things accomplished, this is the scrapbook layout that I did while watching the Idol finale tonight, and another picture of Jason graduating! Other than that, life is pretty much the same...cept that the two peas gallery isn't working so well right now, GRRRR! That is all for now, have a great night!
Love, Joy.
I see that you like some craft sites, here is one that I really like that has scrapbooking to knitting, to almost anything. It has fun things called swaps, and you send something to someone and they send something to you! It is all very organized and everything! Bye!
I just realized I didn't tell you where to find it! It's at! I am a nerd! Bye!
Done with school, yay! Hey, I never found out the winner of American Idol, I know that must sound very disconnected to the world. I'm sorry! So who won?
Joyful! I'm going through page withdrawls. Where are you?! :)
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