Monday, July 16, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
The End. (and a beginning!!)

I have been informed that since Joanne posted a few things on her blog I need to end my blog strike, so here it is, folks! is the only page that I have managed to scrap in the past MONTH! I've actually been pretty busy. I worked 50 hours the week before last, and, actually, I have something else that we've been working on that I want to share! :) We're not anywhere near finished, but my Sweetie hooked me up to google analytics today, so I want to see visits from you all!! Without further ado... Apple Blossom Studio. I sent my first set of stamps to be made THIS MORNING! :) :) so..yeah...I'm excited! :) heh. (also...Joanne...anyone else using a mac for that's a little messed up on the mac right now, hopefuly we can fix it monday!) We are staying up until about 2 this morning just working on stuff here in the office, I'm waiting up for the Poppy Ink July kit reveal. :) And I have the latest Blueprint mag to keep me company! :) Thanks to anyone who has read this...and not given up on me ever blogging again! :) Soon I will have a brand new bright and shiny blog to share! :)
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Bad Blogger.
I know...I just can't bring myself to do it, heh. I'm also working more and working on some other fun stuff I can't wait to elaborate, those are my excuses. :) But here are some photos from Memorial day when we finally got to try the dt. coke+mentos dealy. :)

Pretty cool, huh? Jason's been working all week on improving his set-up and wants to hopefully try it out at the farm friday maybe. :)

Pretty cool, huh? Jason's been working all week on improving his set-up and wants to hopefully try it out at the farm friday maybe. :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Inspiration everywhere.'ve been wanting to share layouts for almost a week now, but the weather was not cooperating, and the sun didn't want to I couldn't take photos. And actually today..I got pictures taken of exactly one layout before it clouded up and started to rain and I had to wait for it to clear up so that I could finish....but I did finish. :) I hope you enjoy these. He he he...actually only a couple are my own designs...several were inspired by other scrapbookers...or scraplifted form other scrapbookers...or inspired by layouts in magazines...or inspired by website designs. Enjoy! :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The winner and a tag.
I don't know how to print my comments, so I just wrote numbers 1-14 on little pieces of paper, put them in a bowl, and drew number 3! Number 3 I believe was Francine, so Francine, you can email me your address at and I will send my little package off to you! :)
And I've been tagged by Charin. I have to list 10 weird or random things about myself! Here goes....
1. My initials are the same now as before I was married.
2. I met my husband on
3. One of my favorite feelings is going from an air-conditioned house into a nice warm car.
4. I rarely finish everything on my to-do list.
5. I love to buy yarn, but I haven't knitted in over a year! (I should send Jillian another package!)
6. I sometimes make scrapbook pages just to use the fun products and then have to find pictures to use with the pages I've made.
7. I have way more scrappy stuff than I'll ever use, but I still buy more.
8. I like to drink water WAY more than anything else.
9. I LOVE tapioca pudding.
10. I could look at magazines all day long and never get bored...any kind of magazines at all pretty much...there are probably a few exceptions, I'm guessing.
And I'm going to tag Joanne, tell us ten random or weird facts about yourself. (I'm only tagging you, Joanne, so that you'll have other people to tag!)
And I've been tagged by Charin. I have to list 10 weird or random things about myself! Here goes....
1. My initials are the same now as before I was married.
2. I met my husband on
3. One of my favorite feelings is going from an air-conditioned house into a nice warm car.
4. I rarely finish everything on my to-do list.
5. I love to buy yarn, but I haven't knitted in over a year! (I should send Jillian another package!)
6. I sometimes make scrapbook pages just to use the fun products and then have to find pictures to use with the pages I've made.
7. I have way more scrappy stuff than I'll ever use, but I still buy more.
8. I like to drink water WAY more than anything else.
9. I LOVE tapioca pudding.
10. I could look at magazines all day long and never get bored...any kind of magazines at all pretty much...there are probably a few exceptions, I'm guessing.
And I'm going to tag Joanne, tell us ten random or weird facts about yourself. (I'm only tagging you, Joanne, so that you'll have other people to tag!)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Happy Bloggy Birthday Giveaway!!
:) Today happens to be my blog's 1st birthday, so I wanted to give my readers/visitors a chance to win some fun stuff! :) I found this totally fun tin that I love...and bought an extra one to give away, and I've filled it with fun ribbons and buttons and AC plastic flowers, some MM tiny alpha stickers, there's one of Rhonna's cute stamps in there, some adhesive felt hearts, a set of little magnets, some fun little yellow tags....anyway...if you would like a chance to win, you can just leave a comment on this post and I'll draw a winner on Monday or Tuesday! :) I hope you're all having a great month!