Monday, April 30, 2007

Inspiration everywhere.'ve been wanting to share layouts for almost a week now, but the weather was not cooperating, and the sun didn't want to I couldn't take photos. And actually today..I got pictures taken of exactly one layout before it clouded up and started to rain and I had to wait for it to clear up so that I could finish....but I did finish. :) I hope you enjoy these. He he he...actually only a couple are my own designs...several were inspired by other scrapbookers...or scraplifted form other scrapbookers...or inspired by layouts in magazines...or inspired by website designs. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The winner and a tag.

I don't know how to print my comments, so I just wrote numbers 1-14 on little pieces of paper, put them in a bowl, and drew number 3! Number 3 I believe was Francine, so Francine, you can email me your address at and I will send my little package off to you! :)

And I've been tagged by Charin. I have to list 10 weird or random things about myself! Here goes....
1. My initials are the same now as before I was married.
2. I met my husband on
3. One of my favorite feelings is going from an air-conditioned house into a nice warm car.
4. I rarely finish everything on my to-do list.
5. I love to buy yarn, but I haven't knitted in over a year! (I should send Jillian another package!)
6. I sometimes make scrapbook pages just to use the fun products and then have to find pictures to use with the pages I've made.
7. I have way more scrappy stuff than I'll ever use, but I still buy more.
8. I like to drink water WAY more than anything else.
9. I LOVE tapioca pudding.
10. I could look at magazines all day long and never get bored...any kind of magazines at all pretty much...there are probably a few exceptions, I'm guessing.

And I'm going to tag Joanne, tell us ten random or weird facts about yourself. (I'm only tagging you, Joanne, so that you'll have other people to tag!)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Bloggy Birthday Giveaway!!

:) Today happens to be my blog's 1st birthday, so I wanted to give my readers/visitors a chance to win some fun stuff! :) I found this totally fun tin that I love...and bought an extra one to give away, and I've filled it with fun ribbons and buttons and AC plastic flowers, some MM tiny alpha stickers, there's one of Rhonna's cute stamps in there, some adhesive felt hearts, a set of little magnets, some fun little yellow tags....anyway...if you would like a chance to win, you can just leave a comment on this post and I'll draw a winner on Monday or Tuesday! :) I hope you're all having a great month!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Got Sketch?

Ok, so...Joanne, no, I do not NEED everything money can buy...but sometimes I feel like I WANT lots of things I don't have the money for. Ah well...on to bigger and better things! :)

I found this super cute sketch here and I was in love! So I made this layout of my cute pregnant sisters based on it, and used it for the inspiration of the photo placement in the Hayley layout. I'm really addicted to the 12x12 right now...I haven't done an 8.5x11 (other than that anniversary 2-pager) in quite a while...but I have some pictures of my nephew Timmy hunting easter eggs that I might use for some 8.5x11...if I feel the urge. :)

In other news...I am craving chinese tonight...BAD!...but we've been eating out way too much lately, so I really need to fight it!

I hope you all are having a great week!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Too funny....

I guess the current in blog rage right now is to google what you need..."joy needs"...that is what I googled, and these are my results....
1.Joy needs to take a lesson and step to the back of the line.
2.Joy needs to be freed, because the sun pulls buds into being.
3.Joy needs tragedy.
4.Joy needs prayer.
5.Joy needs to spend some serious time in Baghdad.
6.Joy needs a better understanding of the nature of evil.
7.Joy needs to leave her office!!!!!!!!!!!!
8.Joy needs to be near the heartbeat of your happiness.
9.Joy needs almost everything that money can buy.
10.Joy needs to make bail and get out of jail.

Some of these are way off...but others (#4, #7, and definitely #9)...are right on, dontcha think? :)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Celebration of another sort.

:) Got to celebrate my friend Audra's wedding today, that was cool. I love Saturdays...time with my sweet hubby and time with friends, fun stuff! :) So...pretty much one of my favorite parts of the day was on our way home from the wedding when my love was a very Dwight manner...."If I were a superhero I would wear a tux, and carry a bow bow staff AND a sword, but the sword just because it looks cool." It made my day...and we went on to talk more about our love for The Office. :) I just love Dwight, he is something else...also Rainn Wilson is pretty much comedic genius, I'm telling you. I hope you're all having a great weekend, I know I am! :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More Birthday Celebration!

We had a fun weekend full of celebrating birthdays and Easter with family...I would love to show you some pictures, but I am afraid that I have not yet gone through the 142 photos...perhaps tomorrow! :) One thing I did start yesterday is going through my iPhoto and deleting a bunch of unneccessary photos to hopefully make it run a bit faster...cause right now it goes SO SLOW! other celebration news, I went to Starbucks...cause they had these really cute mugs that go with my ice cream bowls...and they were on clearance, so I picked up a couple with some of my birthday monies, so that was exciting, I will have to take a picture of them sometime this week. :) Also...yesterday I did the Joanne Workout DVD, and killed my legs with the lunges, man I am sore, so I did not repeat today, heh...maybe tomorrow. :) It's a fun workout, Joanne, I like the little breaks best...oh yeah...and the part where you just throw in a random kick, that's cute! :) And of course...the TIGHTS! ;) Love ya! Do you do your own workout DVD? ...just wonderin'! :) Anyway, that's all the news I have for now...I will try to write some more tomorrow and hopefully show you more pictures. :) For now, here is my layout about our 1st anniversary. :)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Birthday to me! :)

I had a great birthday yesterday. :) I got several birthday phonecalls and cards and such, and I had a great date with my Hubby. :) I had coupons for lots of free birthday things, so we went to Noodles & Company, and I ate free noodles, that was nice. That's my favorite plae to eat. :) And my Sweetie got me my favorite movie, Stranger than Fiction, maybe we'll get a chance to watch it this weekend, that would be nice. :) He also got me a fun travel yahtzee game that I wanted and some other yummies :).

Tonight we are celebrating with his fam, having pizza and ice cream cake, yummy!! :) I also got cards from my momma and grandma today, and spent my birthday moneys on stuff to organize my scrappy stuff and on a new trimmer...I got the fiskars rotary one...I like it, but I'm still getting used to it, perhaps I will review it for you all. :)

Have a great 6th day of Joy's birthday month!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Birthday Celebration Days 3&4!

I didn't get around to posting yesterday cause...well, we've had a rough week! Sunday we discovered a stench like that of a dead animal in our bedroom....only to discover that it really was a dead animal, ha! He he he...Where our bedroom is now there used to be an old wood burning is not there anymore, but there is still a big pipe thing that sticks out of the wall about a foot and a half, and it leads up to the chimney. Well, a couple of weeks ago we heard some scratching around in there like a bird or small animal had somehow gone down the chimney and couldn't get night after Jason got off work we moved stuff around and geared up and retreived the dead squirrel from the pipe, and then proceeded to fill the thing with spray foam that we would not have any future visitors...but the stench remained...which brings me to my celebration of day 3. :) Tuesday I went and picked out a nice smelling candle to burn to get rid of the smell. :) I burned it both yesterday and today, and I no longer smell any dead animal, and it is a wonderful thing! :)

And...I didn't get around to posting last night, cause my sweetie had some car troubles, and we ended up spending the evening replacing his car battery. :) But all is well now, and we get to relax a little. Also...I celebrated day 4 today when I got a package from Joanne. :) She sent me a book that I had fun looking through and getting some ideas from, and she wrote me a fun little letter :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Birthday Celebration Day 2!

Here is a layout of me and my mommy...this layout is for the celebration of day 2 of my birthday month, about a special birthday tradition at my house when I grew up. :) Jillian, if you see this, Mom wants to see this layout, so please show her! :) Thanks! I loved making this, cause I got to use lots of buttons...but my fingers were SO sore from sewing them all on! :)

And here is some more 12x12 love. I've been into doing 12x12 pages lately instead of my usual 8.5x11...don't know why...but it's fun to try new things. These are a couple of my faves...sorry about the crooked pictures and the glares on my Magen page...if anyone has tips for photographing layouts with transparencies without a glare, they would be much appreciated!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Birthday Celebration Day 1!

I am celebrating my birthday all of this month, and wanted to share a picture from day1. :) My friends Christy and Hilary got together yesterday and baked me some super-yummy cupcakes, and Hilary brought them to me at church this morning, Isn't that totally fun!? I am so so excited about this month! My birthday is on the 5th, but I will be celebrating ALL month, so you have until the 30th to send me a card! ;) Love you all, and happy April!

Ha ha...oh yeah...and sorry about the bad hair day!! It was raining today, and my hair didn't appreciate it much!