Birthday Celebration Days 3&4!

I didn't get around to posting yesterday cause...well, we've had a rough week! Sunday we discovered a stench like that of a dead animal in our bedroom....only to discover that it really was a dead animal, ha! He he he...Where our bedroom is now there used to be an old wood burning is not there anymore, but there is still a big pipe thing that sticks out of the wall about a foot and a half, and it leads up to the chimney. Well, a couple of weeks ago we heard some scratching around in there like a bird or small animal had somehow gone down the chimney and couldn't get night after Jason got off work we moved stuff around and geared up and retreived the dead squirrel from the pipe, and then proceeded to fill the thing with spray foam that we would not have any future visitors...but the stench remained...which brings me to my celebration of day 3. :) Tuesday I went and picked out a nice smelling candle to burn to get rid of the smell. :) I burned it both yesterday and today, and I no longer smell any dead animal, and it is a wonderful thing! :)

And...I didn't get around to posting last night, cause my sweetie had some car troubles, and we ended up spending the evening replacing his car battery. :) But all is well now, and we get to relax a little. Also...I celebrated day 4 today when I got a package from Joanne. :) She sent me a book that I had fun looking through and getting some ideas from, and she wrote me a fun little letter :)
Holy cow, dead animal smell, ewww. What a good reason to buy a nice smelling candle though! Glad that your package arrived ok :).
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