Bad Blogger.
I know...I just can't bring myself to do it, heh. I'm also working more and working on some other fun stuff I can't wait to elaborate, those are my excuses. :) But here are some photos from Memorial day when we finally got to try the dt. coke+mentos dealy. :)

Pretty cool, huh? Jason's been working all week on improving his set-up and wants to hopefully try it out at the farm friday maybe. :)

Pretty cool, huh? Jason's been working all week on improving his set-up and wants to hopefully try it out at the farm friday maybe. :)
That fountain thing's crazy! :)
I never imagined it being that big!!!
We got home ok, what about you guys?
Hey Joy, Sarah from Salina here! Have you been back to KS lately?
Hey again! I'm doing great, just getting back into the 'blogging' thing again. Did you make it to the scrapbook store while you were here? I mad eit to the River Fest one day for lunch, but worked the rest of the weekend!
Have you entered any more contests since MM Idol? I was rooting for you all the way!!
Are you ever gonna blog again? I've been at camp for two weeks and blogged more than you!
Hey Joy, Joanne blogged and you still haven't. What's the deal?
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