Happy Birthday to me! :)

I had a great birthday yesterday. :) I got several birthday phonecalls and cards and such, and I had a great date with my Hubby. :) I had coupons for lots of free birthday things, so we went to Noodles & Company, and I ate free noodles, that was nice. That's my favorite plae to eat. :) And my Sweetie got me my favorite movie, Stranger than Fiction, maybe we'll get a chance to watch it this weekend, that would be nice. :) He also got me a fun travel yahtzee game that I wanted and some other yummies :).
Tonight we are celebrating with his fam, having pizza and ice cream cake, yummy!! :) I also got cards from my momma and grandma today, and spent my birthday moneys on stuff to organize my scrappy stuff and on a new trimmer...I got the fiskars rotary one...I like it, but I'm still getting used to it, perhaps I will review it for you all. :)
Have a great 6th day of Joy's birthday month!!
That is a pretty cool movie; Jeremy and I just watched it earlier this week.
So....anymore cool things going on during your birthday month?
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