Scrap Day.

I had to work a half day today but came home and got quite a bit of scrapping done, yay! I did a Magen page and the one about my first scrap class, and worked on my honeymoon album, which I am almost finished with, yay!! All I have left in there is my St. Louis pages and my Illinois stuff, that will be great to have finished, and then I will totally (maybe) be getting to work on my wedding's just so big, he he he, I don't even know if my scrap desk is big enough for it!! :) Ah well, we shall see! Have a great week, everyone!
Love, Joy.
What a beautiful group of scrap bookers :). Is the one on the left pregnant?
Joyful! I like both of these pages so much...i'm adding them to my list of goals! (I have a list of things I want to try from all those dares you sent me!)
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