My newest mini-album!

Day 7's challenge was journaling sit down for 10 minutes and write about your dream job or studio or life or I figured, I'm all caught up on these, and I don't have to work today...I could do a whole mini-album about my dream I did. :) Here are a few pictures...I'll probably post the whole thing here or something...probably tomorrow...after I learn how to milk a cow. :) (it's up!) :) For those of you who don't know, I've always wanted to milk a cow, and Denise, a girl I work with, is teaching me how tomorrow, and I am SOOOOOOOO excited!
Hi... this is a weird comment but I didn't see a link for your email so here ya go! :)
I saw your link on an Ali Edwards' comment. Thought you might like to know that your URL link isn't correct. It's written as "bogspot" not blogspot. :) I go through the links to see other readers' webpages so that's how I noticed yours.
hi joy!
love your minibook! i love seeing other peoples scrap studios, how they organize, what tools they have---the meathods behind the madness. Very cute mini-book!
love love!
your mini book is is the rest of your work :) i've always wanted to milk a cow! hope you tell us all about it...take pictures!
Incredible book! I thought you were kidding about the cow until I read on. How cool! Good luck! Can I have your "Dream Studio" too?
Wow, love your mini book. Great work! Your *dream* studio looks fantastic. Hope the dream becomes a reality for you:)
I never knew that about you (always wanted to learn how to milk a cow). Word. I hope that experience was fun for you! I checked out the full mini-book on the 2 peas website, that is pretty cool. Right now I'm just picturing you later in life making all this cool stuff for your kids, like costumes for their school play or just cool craft activities to do with them. They're going to think you're the coolest mom ever!
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