Making Memories Idol!

So, I have to tell you, I woke up this morning and went to check my is customary for me in the morning, and I had an email that said that out of almost 1000 entries into the Making Memories Idol contest, I was one of the 20 finalists!!!!! You have no gave me heart palpitations!! Oh dear, I can still almost not believe it, except that I went to the website and SAW my stuff there! I, I entered cause MM is of my favorite brands EVER, but I really didn't expect to be chosen! So the next step is that between now and TONIGHT! people will vote for their favorite entry, and Wednesday the top 5 in votes will move on in the competition. Now, I am just totally ok with being in the top 20 (I get the new MM paper trimmer, AHHHH!!) ...BUT if you would like to vote for me, you can go here and click on the "sign up to vote." Wow, I am SO overwhelmed right now! Thanks all for reading my babble! I love you guys!
Congrats Joy!! I always read your blog, but never commented before!!
Nice job girl!! I will vote for you and that's for sure!!
Hey! My name's Alex and I'm from Miami. I stumbled across your blog today. I liked it, it's cute. Congrats on being a finalist! That must be so cool... haha. I wish I would win a contest. I always sign up but usually never win. I think I won tickets to a movie once? But that was all. Good luck and happy blogging!
I thought I recognized your name!!! HUGE CONGRATS to you Joy! A Salina native is now a famous scrapbooker!! WAHOO!! I'll be sure to vote for you!!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Joy - this is SO EXCITING!! GOOD JOB! You deserve it!! I voted for you!! And i'm gonna get Tyson to vote, and my grandma, and my mom and my sister...i hope you win! this is so exciting!!! have a great "heart beating faster/feel like dancing/random squeeling" kinda day! enJoy!
You've got my vote! Don't forget to tell us how it turns out!
darn-it won't me vote anymore from this computer.. sorry :(
let us all know when you hear something, or if you need us to vote if there is a second stage...
thats rad that you won a new papercutter. awesome!
Joy, I read this too late to vote, I am sorry! I saw you didn't make the top 5, but congrats on making it in the top 20, that is awesome!!!
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