Today is a singing sort of day!

I am having a really great day, you know that!?! Let me tell you about it...
I am totally getting stuff done, that's great.
I got Romani for cheap at HL this AM, gotta love that!
I had lunch with my Sweetie-Pie today, that always makes me happy!
I applied to be a tour guide at Jelly Belly, which would be SO fun!
I came home and had a 2peas gift certificate from my wonderful SSS in my inbox!!!
I ordered a bunch of really totally amazingly beautiful papers and didn't have to pay for them due to that gift certificate from my awesome Secret Sister!! :)
The only thing that wasn't so cool about today was that my LSS didn't have the stickers that I need to finish my honeymoon album, but Linda said they would be in today or Monday and that she would call me, so it's all good! :)
Since I haven't done ANY scrapping yet today, maybe I should get started on some of that before 6, huh? This my beautiful Starbucks ice cream photoshopped version of it, did that yesterday. :) Jason's gonna teach me some photoshop stuff this weekend, so I can make that picture look even better! :)
I hope you all are having a day as good as mine!
Love and hugs!
Lotta good, sweetness. Who do you do this secret sister thing with?
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