Several years ago my friend
Magen started a Christmas gift for me, which I finally got this year! :) So, this present is a series of notebooks with a letter for me to read each day this year, and in this notebook she tells me about all these CRAZY holidays and stuff that I'm supposed to celebrate! :) I'm not all that good at actually "celebrating" them, but recently I have found that I do better if I read each letter a night early and have a little time to plan how I will celebrate! :) Anyway, last night before bed I read that today is "organize your home office day" and I was totally excited! So...if I can get these pictures to load...blogger is hating me this morning!....you will have the befores, and hopefully by later today, I will have some really good afters for you! :)
Well...as of right now, Wednesday March 14th 7:47AM Blogger says, "too bad, no pictures for you!"
I'll try a little later! :)
ETA***Guess Blogger doesn't like my pictures.....also, in other news...I didn't get it organized like I would have liked, and I only finished like...3 of the 14 things I needed to do today, cause I got a job! :) Maybe tomorrow I'll have more time and Blogger will like me better!
Friday***Yay!!! Here are the pictures of my messy office, I will try to have a more organized office to show you by Saturday evening! :)